Charlotte Vocational Rehabilitation

Vocational Rehabilitation Training

If you got injured while doing your regular work, you are entitled to receive medical care and financial compensation for your injury. If after a while, you recover from the injury but are unable to perform the same work yet you are able to work on a different position, you will be provided with a retraining program, called vocational rehabilitation. This is something that every injured individual who is unable to continue working at the same position has to go through.
However, there are cases where the insurance carrier is abusing this in order to put the injured individual to work prematurely. There have been reports of such abusing and many people have lost their financial benefits since they weren’t able to take the training as they have not fully recovered from the injury. If these people had legal representation, this wouldn’t have happened to them.

Don’t let yourself become a victim of such treatment. Seek legal representation if you got injured on the job, and don’t let anyone mistreat you.

Charlotte Workers Compensation Attorneys will take care of you and will protect you from any such attempts by the insurance carrier. Call today and schedule your free initial consultation.

You are entitled to financial benefits

No matter what the outcome is, don’t let anyone tell you that you are not entitled to receive financial benefits. The only way to know for sure that you are right is if you hire a legal representative to manage things for you and prove that you are right. The insurance company will try to exhaust you, stand in your way and even make you do vocational rehabilitation training prematurely, just so that you could refuse it and lose your benefits. Without protection and legal representation, you won’t know your rights and you will not be able to protect yourself.

Call today and Charlotte Workers Compensation Attorneys will deal with the insurance carrier for you. They know your full rights, and won’t let anyone take your financial benefits away from you. They will ensure that you are treated properly, and not mistreated like many before you.

No training – no benefits?

This is a complicated matter. Basically, if you are asked to do a vocational retraining, and you refuse, you may end up losing your financial benefits. However, if you are asked to take the retraining while still recovering from your injury, you are going to need a lawyer to protect your legal rights or you may lose your financial benefits.

Seek help from a professional

Protect yourself and your rights on time. Call us today, and schedule a free initial consultation to get in touch with one of our attorneys. It is in their best interest to help you keep your recover and keep your financial benefits, as well as protect you from mistreatment. You have legal rights, and our attorneys will do everything in their power to preserve them. Get in touch with us today, don’t wait until it is too late.